Therapy in Northfield, Minnesota
Megan provides therapy for those living in Northfield, MN as well as the rest of the state! Virtual and in-person therapy options.
Individual Therapy
Therapy gives you focused time for self reflection and growth which is a unique space unlike any other. Honest and productive feedback gets mirrored in these sessions and is intermixed with you learning clinical tools to take with you in your life.
I use a variety of clinical modalities in sessions including Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) all while using a systemic lens. I am a firm believer in Health At Every Size (HAES).
Group Therapy - *Megan will run group when there is enough folks interested. Currently not running group*
What to expect
The first step in your therapeutic journey with me will be the free 10-15 minute phone consultation to make sure we are a good match. The second step is the initial assessment (if doing individual therapy) where we will spend 60 minutes gaining a thorough understanding of your situation. By the end of this appointment, we will schedule your first therapy session which is where we will also discuss your goals for therapy. These ongoing sessions will help guide us along the way. We will continue to reflect on the process and space out sessions over time as you progress.